
Jeremiah is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Jeremiah is arguably the longest and most complex book in the Bible. Jeremiah focuses on divine action and human response. The range and rigor of its rhetoric and the initial promise of the “new covenant” has left its mark on both the Old and New Testaments. This prophetic book presents many difficult literary, historical, and theological issues. In this volume of the highly...

Brueggemann on Jeremiah’s Language The situation of the people is such that language “must not be conventional, reasonable, predictable, or expected. It must shock people’s sensitivity, call attention to what is not usually noticed, break the routine, make statements with ambiguity so that people redescribe things that have long since seemed settled, bear surpluses of power before routine assessment.” Walter Brueggemann, “The Book of Jeremiah: Portrait of the Prophet,” in Interpreting the Prophets,
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